Summary of career workshops in SS 2024

During the summer semester of 2024, we organised a total of 15 career workshops for students at the VŠE Career Centre, which contributed to their career and personal development. Twelve events were conducted in Czech, three in English. All workshops were organised in collaboration with professional career counsellors, experienced coaches, HR consultants and other experts. These experts provided students with valuable information and insights on how to solve problems related to their careers.

The semester covered the following topics:

  • Positive Intelligence (CZ)
  • Impact Game: How to Choose a Career with Impact (CZ)
  • The path to mental well-being: Calm your head and emotions with body and heart (CZ)
  • CV and cover letter that catches the eye (CZ)
  • Career planning
  • Interactive lecture: How to prepare for a job interview and how to succeed in the Assessment Center (CZ)
  • How to successfully find a part-time or a full-time job (CZ)
  • CV and cover letter
  • How to start building and directing your career during your studies (CZ)
  • CV and cover letter (CZ)
  • Interactive lecture: How to prepare for a job interview and how to succeed in the Assessment Center
  • Tricky interview questions and how to answer them (CZ)
  • How to avoid burnout: Manage your life with energy and balance (CZ)
  • How to get along with a boss a generation (or two) older (CZ)
  • Strengths: How to discover, name and sell them (CZ)

The workshops were spread throughout the semester, with the majority taking place during the Job Fair ŠANCE, held from April 16 to 18, 2024. Five workshops were conducted online, and ten were held in person at VŠE.

We strive to provide students with increasingly better services, and therefore, we collect feedback from students for each workshop.

  • “I loved how Tereza explained everything with examples and by showing us the difference between bad CV decisions and good ones. Also showing us the recruiters perspective” – CV and Cover Letter (3.4.2024)
  • “I find it to be a great self-improvement opportunity for students, it is important to be able to cope with stress and challenging life situations. I expected to learn methods to calm down and my expectations were met.” – The path to mental well-being: Calm your head and emotions with body and heart (20. 2. 2024)
  • “I felt like we spent a lot of time on CVs and the recruitment process and its stages in the first half of the workshop, but in hindsight, it was topical and useful to hear as well. I liked the audience involvement and the lecturer’s vast experience. The PPTX was nice and easy to read.” – Interactive lecture: How to prepare for a job interview and how to succeed in the AC (16.4.2024)
  • “I liked the change in my view of CV – that it changed my view of what a CV should look like and gave me a lot of food for thought and editing of a few pieces of information. It doesn’t have to be in bullet points and design but just basic format and more elaboration.” – CV and cover letter (15. 4. 2024)

We are glad that students find our career workshops beneficial. Thank you for your great attendance and we also thank the presenters for their pleasant cooperation

At this time, we are already working on preparing career workshops for the next winter semester of 2024/2025, which we will post on our website at the beginning of the semester. We look forward to seeing you again soon at other career events!