VŠE Career Portal

Career portal is an official platform of VŠE offering its students an overview of job openings both in Czech Republic and abroad.

As such employers have the chance to find applicants from the ranks of VŠE students by publishing open job positions on the homepage of the Career portal or via regularly sent mass emails to VŠE students in our current database.

You can access the Career Portal here. If you are interested in obtaining login credentials to view the portal, please contact us at kc@vse.cz.

Within the VŠE Career Portal we offer the following services:

The service includes publishing one job position or a career event on the homepage of VŠE Career Portal for 14 days.

Mass emails are sent every 14 days with approximately 5 job postings to all VŠE students. The service includes adding your open job position to the mass email that will be sent to our updated database that lists approx. 15 thousand students of VŠE.

The service includes sending your open job position through a mass email specifically to our
final years students, i.e. 4th and 5th year students. The email will be reserved solely for your open job position.