The Career Centre of VŠE is a part of Alumni & Corporate Relations. Our main goal is to connect students and alumni with companies to help them gain practical experience. We care about the career of our students and alumni and we therefore try to offer an attractive service enabling seamless transition into the job market.
Career Articles

Burnout Syndrome in Students: How to Recognize and Manage It?
Burnout syndrome, once primarily associated with managers responsible for significant work obligations, is increasingly common among students. The combination of academic pressure, work duties, and often personal commitments can lead to exhaustion, frustration, and a loss of motivation. How can you recognize the symptoms of burnout, and what can you do to overcome it?
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How to Successfully Start a New Semester?
Was last semester particularly challenging for you? Did you struggle to balance your personal life, studies, and assignments, leaving everything until the last minute? Was the innovation week more about catching up on essential schoolwork than taking a break? If so, this article is for you. You'll discover useful tips and techniques on how to enter the new semester on the right foot, find motivation, manage work, and complete academic tasks faster and more efficiently.
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How to Use LinkedIn?
LinkedIn is a professional social network that is slowly but surely becoming an integral part of professional life. But why should you create a profile? How should you navigate it, what information should you include, and what will help you stand out? We'll cover that in today's article.
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How to Manage Time Effectively and Increase Productivity
In today's fast-paced world, effective time management is an important skill. Learning how to make meaningful use of your time can significantly boost not only your productivity but also yield better results in all aspects of your life. These techniques can help you better organize your time and achieve much higher efficiency!
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