Most common mistakes you make in your resume
There are few good resumes out there. Do you want yours to be one of them, standing out from the average ones? Keep reading! We bring you an overview of the most common mistakes when writing a resume.
Not tailoring your resume to the specific job position you’re applying for
Customizing your resume will show recruiters that you are a good fit for the role. During the selection process, recruiters seek specific skills and experiences from applicants, and it’s essential to mention them in your resume, making it clear at first glance that the job position is ideal for you and that you are prepared for it. To create such a resume, focus on the description of the job position and ask yourself whether your resume matches this description. You should be specific when describing your abilities.
Mentioning irrelevant personal information
Of course, your resume should include basic information like your name, contact details, education, work experience, skills, personality traits, and hobbies. However, completely irrelevant information about your family or health status, the number of children you have, or details about your elementary school or part-time jobs should be avoided. For instance, mentioning your elementary school is unnecessary if you have higher education, and listing all part-time jobs might be excessive, especially if they are unrelated to the field you’re applying for. Similarly, you don’t need to mention all the courses you have completed. It’s enough to generalize them by their field. It won’t be helpful to state that you’ve taken a cooking course if you’re applying for an accounting position. Focus on relevant information that will demonstrate your value to the company.
Your resume is too long
Imagine how many resumes recruiters have to go through. Understandably, they wouldn’t want to read a whole five-page resume. So, focus on making your resume concise, a maximum of 1-2 pages, ideally fitting it onto one page. Detail only the work experience of your last 2-3 relevant jobs, while other work experience can be briefly summarized. Rest assured that recruiters wouldn’t read them in detail anyway. Remember, less is more, and if there’s something in your resume that catches the recruiter’s attention but is mentioned only briefly, they’ll have the opportunity to ask you about it during the interview.
Inappropriate photo
Though it might seem obvious to some, recruiters still come across resumes with poorly chosen photos. Avoid using selfies or pictures taken at the beach or in a bar. Strive to appear as professional as possible to make a positive impression. And don’t forget to smile, as it will make you appear more confident.
Grammatical errors and typos
We assume you’ll proofread your resume, but it’s also a good idea to have someone else check it for you. This will help reduce the number of mistakes and errors that could negatively impact your first impression on the recruiter. Pay attention not only to grammar and spelling but also to the way you express yourself. Be meticulous when providing your contact details since a single wrong letter or number could be detrimental.
You should also be cautious about the following:
- Using an unprofessional email address from your youth, containing inappropriate nicknames
- Having an outdated resume that lacks current information
- Prioritizing fancy design over content in your resume
- Focusing solely on hard skills while neglecting soft skills (traits and competencies)
We recommend dedicating enough time to creating your resume and avoiding the most common mistakes summarized in this article. By doing so, you will significantly increase your chances of being accepted. Best of luck!